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来源:   作者:   发布日期:2021-08-13     浏览次数:













细胞自噬(autophagy)通路一般认为是将受损或不需要的细胞器、细胞内容物、病原体定向运送至溶酶体降解的过程,是细胞维持稳态,应对刺激的重要机制。自噬调控失常与癌症、神经退行性疾病、传染病、衰老引起的器官纤维化等病理、生理过程有很大关联。近年来自噬通路被报道可调控特定蛋白(如炎症因子、β淀粉样蛋白) 的分泌而非降解(分泌性自噬),这为解释自噬通路在疾病中所起作用、是否能成为治疗靶点,提供了新的思路。我们将利用高自噬水平的细胞、动物模型,研究提高自噬水平是否有助于特定蛋白(如胰岛素、对基质金属蛋白酶)的分泌;阐释分泌性自噬的生理意义和分子调控机制;筛选特异性诱导或抑制分泌性自噬的药物。






2009年-2011年,主持American Heart Association (AHA) Predoctoral Fellowship项目: The Role of Exo70 in Cell Migration。



1. Bai L., Wu Q., Zhang X., and Zhao Y. Autosis as a selective type of cell death. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2023, 11:1164681. (通讯作者)

2.He Y., Lu H., and Zhao Y. Development of an autophagy activator from Class III PI3K complexes, Tat-BECN1 peptide: Mechanisms and applications. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2022, 10:851166. (通讯作者)

3. An Z., Chiang W-C., Fernández Á.F., Franco L.H., He C., Huang S-Y., Lee E., Liu Y., Sebti S., Shoji-Kawata S., Sirasanagandla S., Wang R.C., Wei Y., Zhao Y., and Vega-Rubin-de-Celis S. Beth Levine’s Legacy: From the Discovery of BECN1 to Therapies. A Mentees’ Perspective. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2022, 10:891332.

4. Liu X., Viswanadhapalli S., Kumar S., Lee T.K., Moore A., Ma S., Chen L., Hsieh M., Li M., Sareddy G.R., Parra K., Blatt E.B., Reese T.C., Zhao Y, Chang A., Yan H., Xu Z., Pratap U.P., Liu Z., Roggero C.M., Tan Z., Weintraub S.T., Peng Y., Tekmal R.R., Arteaga C.L., Lippincott-Schwartz J., Vadlamudi R.K., Ahn J.M., and Raj G.V. Targeting LIPA independent of its lipase activity is a therapeutic strategy in solid tumors via induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Nat Cancer. 2022, 3(7):866-884.

5. Zhao Y., Zou Z., Sun D., Li Y., Sinha S.C., Yu L., Bennett L., and Levine B. GLIPR2 is a negative regulator of autophagy and the BECN1-ATG14-containing phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex. Autophagy. 2021, 17(10): 2891–2904. (第一作者/共同通讯作者)

6. Dong X., Yang Y., Zou Z., Zhao Y., Ci B., Zhong L., Bhave M., Wang L., Kuo Y.C., Zang X., Zhong R., Aguilera E.R., Richardson R.B., Simonetti B., Schoggins J.W., Pfeiffer J.K., Yu L., Zhang X., Xie Y., Schmid S.L., Xiao G., Gleeson P.A., Ktistakis N.T., Cullen P.J., Xavier R., and Levine B. Sorting Nexin 5 Mediates Virus-Induced Autophagy and Immunity. Nature. 2021, 589(7842):456-461.

7. Liu Y., Nguyen P.T., Wang X., Zhao Y., Meacham C.E., Zou Z., Bordieanu B., Johanns M., Vertommen D., Wijshake T., May H., Xiao G., Shoji-Kawata S., Rider M.H., Morrison S.J., Mishra P. and Levine B. TLR9 and beclin 1 crosstalk regulates muscle AMPK activation in exercise. Nature. 2020, 578(7796):605-609.

8. Li Y., Zhao Y., Su M., Glover K., Chakravarthy S., Colbert C.L., Levine B. and Sinha S.C. Structural insights into the interaction of the conserved mammalian proteins GAPR-1 and Beclin 1, a key autophagy protein. Acta Crystallographica Section D Structural Biology. 2017, 73(9):775-792.

9. Wu B., Wang J., Zhao Y., and Guo W. Biochemical analysis of Rabin8, the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab8. Methods in Cell Biology. 2015, 130:59-68.

10.Zhao Y., Liu J., Yang C., Capraro B., Baumgart T., Bradley R.P., N. Ramakrishnan N., Xu X., Radhakrishnan R., Svitkina T., and Guo W. Exo70 Generates Membrane Curvature for Morphogenesis and Cell Migration. Developmental Cell. 2013, 26(3):266-278.(共同第一作者)

11. Liu J., Zhao Y., Sun Y., He B., Yang C., Svitkina T., Goldman Y.E., and Guo W. Exo70 stimulates the Arp2/3 complex for lamellipodia formation and directional cell migration. Current Biology. 2012, 22(16):1510-1515.(共同第一作者)

12.Zhao Y. and Guo W. Sec-ure nanotubes with RalA and Exocyst. Nature Cell Biology. 2009, 11(12): 1396-1397.(第一作者)





